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Digimon and Spiritual Growth

Recently, Greg wrote an article about Pokémon and how its basic concepts can speak truth to us about our relationship with God. Like I’m...

Mary’s Magnificat

Greg brings us a beautiful reflection on Mary's prayer from the Gospels, the Magnificat.

A Lifeline on the Edge of Chaos

Jessica gives us a powerful reflection on an oft-neglected spiritual weapon in our Catholic arsenal.

Thy Will be Done in (Middle) Earth as in Heaven

In an earlier article I mentioned that Tolkien himself had described The Lord of the Rings as a “fundamentally religious and Catholic...

The Catechism according to Tolkien

The year was 2001, and like every other kid in primary school no occasion was more momentous, no event more unbearably anticipated than a...


Chris 于此文章,分享将临故事中客栈店主的角色,试问我们是否有时也以客栈店主的身份对待圣家三口。 “他们在那里的时候,她分娩的日期满了,便生了她的头胎男儿,用襁褓裹起,放在马槽里,因为在客栈中为他们没有地方。”(路2:6-7)...


我在弥撒开始前的半小时便抵达教堂,当时堂内的教友寥寥无几。见到告解室外也没什么人,我松了一口气。告解室外的长凳上只坐着一位老妇人。我对她微笑示意,然后坐下。 本堂神父一贯在弥撒前的十五分钟便开始听告解。但只要稍不留意,告解队伍一旦形成,人龙越排越长,你可能得在没有办到和好圣...


Greg 反思圣若翰洗者呼吁我们“修直道路”之意,从而发现自己有时误将“道路”视为“终点”。 有一个呼声喊说: “你们要在旷野中预备上主的道路, 在荒原中为我们的天主修平一条大路!”(依40:3) 将临期的福音中,我们常听见圣若翰洗者准备迎接耶稣的使命。这个使命即是依撒意亚...

Did Curiosity Kill the Catholic?

Greg muses how being curious can enhance and supplement our Faith. Don’t you love how children always question the things around them?...


Chris reflects about his Thanksgiving experience in the United States of America (USA) Before coming to the USA, Thanksgiving didn’t mean...

Ministry and Theory of Mind

Garrett talks about the Theory of Mind and how it can help us understand the spiritual journeys of ourselves and others. One piece of...

Why do I … believe in God?

Greg weighs in on the difficult existential question, “Why do I believe in God?” Now, this topic has been discussed, debated, pondered...

Why Learning Complements Our Faith

Garrett muses on how the faithful should not fear learning, but learn to employ it. “For although correct conduct may be better than...

The Ebb and Flow of Spirituality

Chris reflects on the wisdom that he has learnt from Richard Rohr’s books and talks about the movements of one’s spiritual journey...

Distance, Detachment and Inner Freedom

Chris reflects on how important it is to hold on to our identity as children of God in the midst of a world of distractions. Simon and...

Reflections from the Genesee Diary

Chris reflects on how prayer and solitude helps us live as the unique individuals God created us to be. For the past few nights, I have...

September 11 Reflection – A Singaporean Viewpoint

Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?”...

Working All Night: A Fisherman’s Lessons

Chris reflects on what Our Lord has to teach us in seemingly trying and futile times. When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon,...

What are my Nets?

Chris reflects of the images of ‘nets’ in a certain Gospel passage. One weekend, I was grateful that I had the time to attend two Masses,...

Christian Castaways Part 2: Spiritual Survivors

Last time around, we looked at the phenomenon of being ‘spiritually shipwrecked’ – moments where we realize that our pride and worldly...

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